Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Review Bag: Maybelline Color Pearls Eyeshadow


While I was out, I decided to pick up some of Maybelline's EyeStudio Color Pearls eye-shadows. I've seen them tons of times, but never wanted to pick them up. Something about them caught my eye today so I picked up two and decided to review them. They are Teal Takeover and Ivy Icon.

I love the cases. They are super cute and appear to be really sturdy. The only issue I think I will have with it is excess powder falling over the sides because the eye-shadow is rounded above the holder rather than just pushed into it. 

I also LOVE how the lids can be pulled all the way back to tilt the eye-shadow for easier access. 

Teal Takeover

Bare Swatches: Teal Side, Marble Side, Marble on top of Teal

Ivy Icon

Bare Swatches: Ivy Side, Marble Side, Marble on top of Ivy

Overall, I really like the colors. My favorite is the Teal Takeover. I wish the marble side on the Ivy Icon was a bit more contrasting. It's pretty much the Ivy color mixed with a tad bit of orange. There's a slight difference, but not much. The swatches are just the shadow and no primer. These colors already pop on their own, but a primer would really make them pop. A tutorial with these colors will hopefully be up by the end of the week. 


I'm BACK!!!!!!

Hey!!! I started this blog last year and stopped. I left it and didn't come back until now. School started and I had lost interest in make-up for a little while. Eventually it beckoned me back and I've been doing some major practicing. I'm ready to show you guys what I've got, so let's do this!!!
